Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Captive Bride

This is the second book in the series "The house of Winslow" by Gilbert Morris.

It starts out with Matthew Winslow, Gilbert and Humility's son. He goes to England with his uncle to try to find something to do with his life, and ends up marrying a girl named Lydia. When he gets put in jail for preaching the gospel with John Bunyan, he almost goes insane, and leaves his wife and disappears.

Skip forward about fourteen years, and the focus is Rachel Winslow who is Matthew and Lydia's Daughter. She has been raised by her grandfather, Gilbert Winslow, and her mother, Lydia Winslow. Her father comes back and they have to learn to forgive him. 

Go ahead about 25 more years and the family has moved to Salem, and they have to struggle through the Salem Witch Trials.

This is another good, fairly accurate, book set from 1658 to about 1692. Again I would put the age minimum at 13. 

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