Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Reluctant Bridegroom

This is the seventh book in the series "The House of Winslow" by Gilbert Morris.

Sky Winslow, the son of Christmas and Dove Winslow, agrees to return East and bring back a wagon of brides to the men in Oregon City. As experienced as he is on the trail, the past hurts of an unfaithful wife and a twelve-year-old son who truly needs a mothers love, make Sky an unlikely person for such an assignment. On the long trip from New York to Oregon, two of the women who join the wagon train will make their impact. Rebekah Jackson, in the hope of finding a new start, is leaving a broken past. Rita Duvall is a dance hall girl who knows the way to break down a mans defenses, even when at their strongest. 

This is a great book and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I personally think that 13 is a good minimum age for this book.   

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